As you may have heard, Young Studios is freshly under new ownership, and with that we have some exciting updates planned ahead. We’ve highlighted some of the ideas below, some of which are still in development, but most will be executed in some extent over the course of the next few months.
Our goal with these renovations is to make the studios more comfortable and more plug & play friendly.
Less seamless, less setup, less sterile… We want to give them life by making the spaces chic enough that you want to just use the space itself as the backdrop, and not constantly rely on rolls of paper, yet still functional enough to accommodate more intensive productions that demand versatility.
In no particular order, some of what we have planned and a quick mooboard:
Reduce the size of Studio A; use subtracted space for a comfortable client lounge / waiting area
Build a proper door for Studio A for better sound insulation
Add a single wall cyclorama with rounded ceiling to Studio A
Install decorative wall panels and/or architectural facet to Studio B
General updates & refreshed trim, paint, lifestyle decor for Studio C
Add a minimalist architectural installation to Studio D
Add a 2-wall corner cyclorama to Studio E
Along with these renovations, we will also be making some gradual updates to the props, furnishings and general amenities we have available, such as:
New furniture, new props, updated window dressings, curtain backrdops & changing rooms
New equipment; rolling stands, tethering monitors, modifiers, cameras, easy-to-use studio lighting
Client lounge; seating area with water fountain, coffee machine and other refreshments
Kiosk for shoot essentials; we’ve all been there when we’re missing a lint roller, hair bands or bobby pins on set. We’ll now be able to provide all these little extra things to ensure that we got you covered.
In the near future…
We’ll be busy with working on the big changes highlighted above, so we don’t want to get too ahead of ourselves here, but we have a myriad of other ideas that we’re developing for the near future. Some of this includes:
MEMBERSHIPS. As we have dozens of regular clients already, we want to discuss the possibility of allowing memberships with special perks, reduced hourly rates and on-site personal storage.
WORKSHOPS. While many of our clients are studio veterans, we’ve witnessed a considerable amount of bookings with teams that have limited experience with studio lighting, which leads to quite a bit of wasted time spent troubleshooting for less than perfect results. We absolutely want to be amateur-friendly, and with our team’s immense background in lighting design and production, we’d love to offer our knowledge and proficiency to help others become more confident with their studio skills. The workshops don’t have to be limited to studio lighting either; over time we’d love to consider the possibility of exploring a broad range of topics and inviting other experienced instructors.
CREW & PRODUCTION ASSISTANCE. Our team has considerable experience working on professional sets for premier clients, with an extensive roster of creative professionals in our network. We see no reason we can’t offer our capabilities for your next big shoot when needed. We are developing ways to seamlessly integrate this into our booking system.
This is of course just the beginning. We’re eager to get started and see what other ideas present themselves as we get things rolling here!
Do you have other ideas for us? Suggestions? Feedback? We’d love to hear from you.