At Young Studios, we are committed to your safety and taking action to ensure we follow all guidelines set forth by the CDC and the World Health Organization. We request that everyone do their individual part in making the studio a safe environment for everyone and follow our safety protocol.

  • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be utilized at all times (maks, gloves, googles or face shields).

  • A mask and gloves should be worn at all times by all persons while on set and while entering and exiting the studio and building, and in elevators.

  • Studios, offices, and equipment are thoroughly cleaned with antimicrobial and antibacterial cleaners before and after every booking.

  • Wash your hands, cover your mouth, keep it clean.

  • Anyone who is sick or has been in contact with a sick person is required to stay at home.

  • Maintain social distancing of no less than 6 feet whenever possible.

  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your face. 

  • Avoid physical contact including handshakes & hugging. 

  • Please reduce the number of all crew on set. Only essential team members will be allowed. 

  • Please assign one person to be responsible for constant wipe downs of surfaces.

  • Only deliveries from verified vendors will be accepted.

  • All deliveries, including food must be picked up in the lobby.

  • If you are sick, stay home and self quarantine. 

  • Guidelines will vary based on specific government regulations.

We are all in this together!